How to reopen your office and enable your workers back to the office meeting safety precautions with workspace technology solutions.
Careful management of desk and workspaces, meeting rooms, employee locations, and sanitization will be essential to meeting local guidelines for reopening your workplace.
We’ll show you how our workspace reservation solution enables you to easily reopen your office and ensure employees are not exposed to risk.
Altering workspaces to implement social distancing policies and support safety protocols.
Support your workforce with telework or work-from-home arrangements wherever practicable by staggering work in the office days limiting the number employees coming into the office daily.
Schedule enhanced cleaning after usage of high-touch surfaces to support health and safety of employees.
Ensure health checks are conducted before arrival at the office and recording workspace usage and enable contact tracing for any positive cases.
With Condeco you can comply with the enhanced protective guidelines and safely reopen your office for your employees. We’ll show you how we will help…
New Jersey Safety Protocols | How Condeco complies |
Information referenced from: New Jersey COVID-19 Information Hub – How do I return safely to work? – Correct at time of publication, October 2020.
Gensler’s U.S. Work from Home Survey 2020
Enable employees to find workspace, make bookings, and collaborate.
Key features:
Get up and running with ease.
Our consultative accounts team will help you to decide on the solution which best solves your challenges. With our expedited onboarding program, our dedicated team of experts are here to help you every step of the way, getting you back to the office as quickly as possible.