5 ways to help Bankers, Brokers, and Relationship Managers take control of their workday.

Most of us have learned to be productive no matter how and where we work. Our recent survey shows 80% of managers agree, stating employees are just as productive working from home/digitally as they…

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Condeco Conversations: eBook – Flexible Future of Work

Making flexible offices work will become a priority for organizations. As well-thought-out strategies turn into reality, organizations need to be armed with the right tools to curate a seamless and…

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Condeco Conversations: eBook – Renewing culture and well-being

Globally, a more flexible working model is emerging in the aftermath of the pandemic. As organizations forge a path forward, flexibility now looks set to permeate every facet of work – from real…

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Enhancing experience and collaboration feat img

Condeco Conversations: eBook – Enhancing experience and collaboration

After 18 months of remote work and successive lockdowns during the COVID-19 crisis, the future looks flexible – a mix of working in the office, from home and in a variety of ‘third’ spaces is on…

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Condeco Conversations – Experience and Collaboration

One of the biggest challenges for companies worldwide in the last year was the impact of remote working on higher-value interpersonal work such as the team experience and collaboration.


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Bridging the Gap between IT and CRE when future proofing the office

As the world starts to look ahead, it is important for companies to start to look towards a sustainable flexible working model.

Here we look at how IT and CRE can come together to deliver the best…

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Condeco Conversations: eBook – Learning and innovation

Since the onset of COVID-19 in early 2020, the world of work has been in a constant state of flux. Organizations have been forced to go on a journey of digital adaptation and transformation, making a…

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Condeco Conversations – Learning and Innovation

One the biggest challenges for companies worldwide in the last year was the impact of remote working on higher-value interpersonal work such as learning and innovation.
The lack of face-to-face…

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Die Neuerfindung der Arbeitswelt

Wir freuen uns sehr, Ihnen unseren Gastsprecher Fabio Müller, Office & Conventions Manager vom Flughafen Zürich vorzustellen. Herr Müller berichtet über die Condeco Büro Management Lösung…

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Virtuelle Podiumsdiskussion Microsoft & Condeco

Markus Bell, Microsoft und Peter Otto, Condeco werden das Thema neue Arbeitswelt beleuchten. Durch die Pandemie hat sich unsere Arbeitswelt drastisch verändert.
Vor und nach der Pandemie, wie hat…

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