How to implement our visitor management system | Condeco

How to implement our visitor management system

A good visitor management system can be a real asset for everyone within your building. That’s whether it’s the employees arranging meetings, the visitors coming in for them, or the wider…

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Is quiet and quick quitting a real thing | Condeco

Is quiet and quick quitting a real thing?

Has there really been a change in mindset amongst employees across the world? If studies are to be believed, changing circumstances around work have had an impact on what people value and the effects…

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Your office and the cost of living crisis | Condeco

Your office and the cost of living crisis

Everywhere you look, things are getting more expensive, whether it’s normal consumer goods through increased rates of inflation, or electricity and gas because of high energy prices. And while this…

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FAQ Condeco Microsoft Teams app | Condeco by Eptura

Answering your questions about the Condeco + Microsoft Teams app

Teamwork. It’s what makes companies successful.
But is it difficult to feel part of a team when you’re not physically together? It can be.

Nearly 40% of employees say their biggest…

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How to get the most of in-person meetings | Condeco

How to get the most out of in-person meetings


No matter what anyone tells you, the office is not dead. Even though more and more businesses are adopting hybrid working, the opportunity to travel to HQ and meet in person is still a…

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The benefits of a visitor management system | Condeco

The benefits of a visitor management system

It’s very easy to think “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” when it comes to your visitor experience. After all, if you haven’t had any complaints and everything seems to be running…

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Microsoft Teams | Condeco

By the numbers: A close look at Microsoft Teams adoption

Microsoft Teams has seen a meteoric rise in adoption by companies and employees. We dive into the numbers to better understand why.

Launched in 2017, Microsoft Teams has become a leading unified…

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Cost of living for employees | Condeco

The cost of living crisis and the workforce

Much of the developed world is suffering from financial strain that hasn’t been experienced for a very long time. Rising energy prices and high rates of inflation are contributing to a cost of…

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Learn more about Condeco's Microsoft Teams Integration | Condeco

Learn more about Condeco’s Microsoft Teams Integration

Condeco’s integration with Microsoft Teams has been months in the making. But why did we start the project in the first place and what have been the major challenges? We talked to Senior Product…

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