What does it mean to be flexible at work | Condeco by Eptura

What does it mean to be flexible at work?

Even in its meaning, “flexible” is a word that describes itself. Its definition quickly changes depending on who you talk to—especially in the world of work. For some, it could mean having the…

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How to help employees find qualituy time at the office | Condeco by Eptura

How to help employees find quality time at the office

Are you struggling with getting your hybrid teams to come into the office either by encouragement or incentives? You’re not alone.

With inflation at 40-year highs, increases in the cost…

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Five ways to go paperless | Condeco by Eptura

Five ways to go paperless

It wasn’t so long that pretty much every office the world over ran on paper. Documents would be flying out of typewriters and printers every day, either to be sent out in the mail, transferred…

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A guide to workplace culture | Condeco by Eptura

A guide to workplace culture (and why it matters)

Workplace culture is a topic that’s high on the agenda of most organizations. It can impact everything from retention to productivity rates. It can be the making or breaking of a business. But what…

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6 ways employers can support hybrid workers | Condeco by Eptura

6 ways employers can support hybrid workers

The rise of hybrid working in recent years has been seemingly unstoppable. Companies that were previously using traditional 9-to-5 models for decades have rapidly adjusted to a different reality….

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A guide to a more equitable workplace | Condeco by Eptura

A guide to building a more equitable workplace

Equality and equity are hot topics in the world of work at the moment, as businesses strive to ensure that every employee is treated as fairly as possible. In the main, this normally refers to the…

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How to use your workplace to attract the best talent | Condeco

How to use your workplace to attract the best talent

Over the last year or two, as flexible and hybrid working has become a long-term reality, almost everything we’ve heard in the media has been about people wanting to work from home as much as…

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5 ways data is changing the working world | Condeco by Eptura

5 ways data is changing the working world

In the realm of technology we spend a lot of time gazing into the future. So enamored with what’s around the corner, we often fail to realize that our world has already changed dramatically whilst we…

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8 reaons why hybrid working is the future | Condeco by Eptura

8 reasons why hybrid working is the future

There’s been plenty of buzz in the media and across the world of work in the last couple of years about hybrid work (or flexible working, as it’s also often called). Opinions on it remain mixed:…

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