A guide to visitor management systems | Condeco

A guide to visitor management systems

It’s bizarre that many companies still operate the same way they have for years regarding meeting room booking. Whether it’s people block-booking rooms weeks in advance, bosses waltzing in and…

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7 hybrid work challenges and how to overcome them

7 hybrid work challenges and how to overcome them

Your business has made a strategic decision to adopt a flexible working approach. Specifically, you’ve chosen the hybrid work model, a progressive way of working that combines the comfort of home…

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How to Decide Who Should Attend Your Meeting?

How to Decide Who Should Attend Your Meeting?

Meetings often get a bad reputation. Many consider them time-wasting and unproductive. Numerous memes, jokes, and cartoons depict the pointless ramble of the typical meeting, usually summed up by the…

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12 Interesting Workplace Facts That You Didn’t Know

People globally spend 40 hours a week — or more — in a work environment, making it worth examining. Since 2020, many companies adopted remote, hybrid, and flexible working models. Due to this,…

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Hybrid work vs flexible work - what’s the difference?

Hybrid work vs flexible work in 2024- what’s the difference?

In the last four years, there has been much buzz around newly emerged working methods. Hybrid and flexible work have become a new standard for numerous office workers.  

Data from a 2023 Gallup…

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Key employee satisfaction trends for 2022

[Updated] Key employee satisfaction trends for 2023

Never before has it been more important for businesses to look out for their employees. Amidst a competitive job market and a pandemic that has led many employees to reconsider their career…

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5 advantages of hybrid working for employees

Our Attitudes to Hybrid Working Report uncovered an obvious desire to do things differently among employees. Nearly half of those currently in the office full-time want their employers to adopt…

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Media flexible workspaces

Hot desking and maintaining desk hygiene

Many businesses that adopt a hybrid work model have some form of ‘hot desking’ arrangement in place. Creating a dedicated space where everyone can book a desk is often an effective solution to…

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The secret behind naming your meeting rooms

Why do many businesses name their meeting rooms? The simple answer is to reflect company culture and ethos. And for many organizations, it’s about showing there’s a playful side to work.  

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