What's New?

Jul 23 2024

Condeco Cloud

Location admins

Location admins can manage locations in multiple countries.

Delete booking link in email

We’ve introduced a new option for email templates that allows a ‘delete booking’ link to be added to the email notifications for personal space and meeting space bookings.

Jul 08 2024

Condeco mobile app

New! See who’s in

The new ‘See who’s in’ option on the Today page allows users to see the location of colleagues who have booked workspaces for the day, on a floor plan.

User PIN

Users can now view their PIN in their user profile on the Condeco mobile app.

Eptura Asset integration

Issues with spaces can now be reported to Eptura Asset directly from the Condeco mobile app.

Intelligent booking

Users with ‘intelligent booking’ enabled in their profile, are now notified that a personal space will be automatically booked when they change their working status to ‘in the office’.

Jul 02 2024

Condeco Cloud

New! Intelligent booking

Book a personal space automatically when your working status is set to ‘in the office’.

The following factors are intelligently weighted to find the best space:

  • Where team members are sitting
  • The user’s most reserved spaces
  • The user’s default group/floor/attributes
  • Today page improvements

    The Today page on the web now includes a new menu in the meeting space booking pane. In addition, you can view a summary of a booking by clicking the title from the list of today’s bookings.

    New icons provide consistency across the Today page.

    Group management for Location Admins

    Location Admins now have full control of the Groups that manage resources in the Location(s) assigned to them.

    Report improvements

    The Condeco Resource Report now includes the option to add ‘Attribute name(s)’ as a selectable field in the Reporting module.

    Jun 16 2024

    Condeco Microsoft 365 Integration

    New! Multi-room Bookings

    Now you can book multiple meeting spaces from a single Microsoft Outlook calendar event, so whether you’re organizing a large event or just want to book a space for your colleagues in another office, Condeco makes it easy to manage all the spaces from just one booking.

    Jun 11 2024

    Condeco Cloud

    New! Quick book

    The new ‘quick book’ option allows workspaces to be automatically allocated. This is useful when booking spaces such as parking spaces and lockers.

    Create work orders in Eptura Asset from Condeco

    You can now report issues with meeting spaces and personal spaces directly from Condeco and automatically create a work order in Eptura Asset.

    May 25 2024

    Condeco mobile app

    Your Team members working statuses

    The ‘Your Team’ page now displays each team member’s assigned avatar color, initials, and status for the current day. Working status and location are not shown for Team members who have hidden their visibility.

    Push notifications for ACS

    The Condeco mobile app now supports push notifications. The first notification feature can automatically check users into their booked personal spaces when entering a building if the Access Control System (ACS) integration is enabled.

    May 25 2024

    Condeco API 1.85.0

    Push notifications for ACS

    When ACS integration is enabled in Eptura Visitor, users can automatically check in to their workspace when they scan their RFID card at the entry point in their workplace.

    May 24 2024

    Condeco Cloud

    Booking slot logic

    The booking logic for personal spaces has been enhanced to allow only 1 space of each workspace type to be booked for the same person at the same time.

    Improved floor plan

    Personal spaces occupied by colleagues who are not members of your team, are now indicated in gray, making it easier to spot your team and available spaces to book nearby.

    May 22 2024

    Condeco Analytics Advanced

    Analytics access for Country and Location admins

    Country and Location administrators can now be granted access to the Analytics module, which provides full access to the Condeco Analytics Advanced dashboards and all global data.

    May 07 2024

    Condeco Analytics Advanced

    Improved filter for Working Styles dashboards

    The ‘Day’ selection dropdown has been replaced with the new weekday selection buttons on the Working Styles dashboards, allowing you to quickly switch between the standard working weeks – Mon-Fri / Sun-Thu.

    Quick hover-over tips and a new help button

    We’ve added hover-over information icons to show details about the visualizations and metrics on the canvases.

    In addition, each dashboard now includes a help button that leads directly to the specific Knowledge Center help page for the canvas.
